Why Is Important To Use WoW Macros

Without using a balanced keybinding and at least a couple of WoW macros, your performance in PvP and dungeons will never surpass average. If you were not aware of this, in here I will speak a little about the importance of macros for WoW and I hope I'm going to make it very clear.

First of all, macros are important because they will help you save one or more slots in your quick bar. And especially when it comes to your main quick bar, gaining a slot for an additional ability means a lot. All World of Warcraft classes have many spells and combat abilities that must be used frequently. But the amount of abilities is usually bigger than the number of slots in your main, 1 to "=" quick bar. 

Plus, you kind of have to fit the most important an frequently used spells and combat abilities on the keys from 1 to 6, or 1 to 5, because your left hand can't reach the other keys properly. If you fill up your bar with all the abilities that you always use, chances are that you'll lose precious seconds reaching for the 8,9,0,-,= keys and this will result in a slower gameplay. In arena, for example, if you're not quick, you will be the one that leads the team to a loss.

A nice example of macro that saves a two slots in your main bar is this one, for Death Knights:

/castsequence reset=5 Icy Touch,Plague Strike, Pestilence

All three abilities in this WoW macro are a must-use for DKs. They apply and spread your diseases on targets, and without them your damage or threat, in case you're a tank, will suck. This macro puts them all under a single button, which leaves you with two empty, precious slots in your main quick bar, to fill up with other important combat abilities.

There is also a type of macros that allow you to burn multiple abilities at once, abilities that, of course, do not share the same cooldown, to achieve a damage or healing burst, or to boost the defences of your character at maximum, if you're a tank. No matter what class or spec you play, a sort of macro like that should not be missing from your WoW keybinding. Here's a good example of a macro like this for an orc warrior, specialized on arms:

/cast Deadly Calm

/cast Recklesness

/cast Blood Rage

/use <your damage boost trinket>

There's more to say about the importance of macros but instead of telling you that, why not check out the WoW macros that would fit best to your class? 


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